# Copyright (c) 2023 Thomas Tuerk (kontakt@thomas-tuerk.de) # # This file is part of PyAPplus64 (see https://www.thomas-tuerk.de/de/pyapplus64). # # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. from PyAPplus64 import applus_db def test_DBTableIDs1() -> None: ids = applus_db.DBTableIDs() assert (str(ids) == "{}") ids.add("t1", 1) assert (str(ids) == "{'T1': {1}}") ids.add("t1", 2, 3, 4) assert (str(ids) == "{'T1': {1, 2, 3, 4}}") assert (ids.getTable("T1") == {1, 2, 3, 4}) assert (ids.getTable("T2") == set()) ids.add("t2", 2, 3, 4) assert (ids.getTable("T2") == {2, 3, 4}) assert (str(ids) == "{'T1': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'T2': {2, 3, 4}}")