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\title{Background Questionaire}
\usekomafont{sectioning}\usekomafont{part} Background Questionaire
Please try to answer the following questions alone and without using any external aids and hand in the results \emph{anonymously}.
This is no exam.
Instead, the results are used to adapt the \emph{Interactive Theorem Proving} course to the background and interests of the audience.
\section{Functional Programming}
\item Write a functional program \texttt{APPEND} that appends two lists.
Try to use SML notation.
\texttt{APPEND} should satisfy the following example behaviours
\item \texttt{APPEND [1,2,3] [4,5] = [1,2,3,4,5]}
\item \texttt{APPEND [] [1] = [1]}
\item What does \emph{tail-recursion} mean and why is it important for functional programming?
\item Write a tail-recursive version of \texttt{APPEND}.
\section{Induction Proofs}
\item Prove that \texttt{APPEND} is associative (hint: via induction). You can use the following
properties of \texttt{APPEND} and \texttt{CONS}. For convenience use the notation \texttt{l1 ++ l2} for \texttt{APPEND l1 l2} and the notation \texttt{x::xs} for \texttt{CONS x xs}. Be very detailed and formal.
\item \texttt{$\forall$ l.\ [] ++ xs = l}
\item \texttt{$\forall$ l x xs.\ (x ::\ xs) ++ l = x ::\ (xs ++ l)}
\item Which induction principles do you know? Which one did you use for proving the associativity of \texttt{APPEND}?
\item Explain briefly what's wrong with the following reasoning:
``No cat has two tails. A cat has one more tail than no cat. Therefore, a cat has three tails.''
\item What's wrong with the following classical example of a false chain syllogism?
``Qui bene bibit, bene dormit; qui bene dormit, non peccat; qui non peccat, salvatur; ergo qui bene bibit, salvatur. (Ergo, bibamus!)'' (``Who drinks well, sleeps well. Who sleeps, does not sin. Who does not sin, will go to heaven. Therefore, who drinks well, will go to heaven. (So, let's drink!)'')
\item Formalise the following riddle\footnote{found in the German Wikipedia entry for resolution} using first order logic.
It is well known that in ancient times (a) all \emph{Spartans} were \emph{brave} and (b) all \emph{Athenians} were \emph{wise}.
Spartans and Athenians always fought with each other. So there was (c) no dual citizenship.
Once upon a time, 3 Greek philosophers met: Diogenes, Platon and Euklid. In contrast to their
famous namesakes, not much is known about them. We know however, that
(d) they all came from Sparta or Athens and did not like each other much.
Being philosophers they however never told a lie; even while insulting each other.
A few fragments of their squabbles have come to us through the centuries:
\item[(e)] Euklid: ``If Platon is from Sparta, then Diogenes is a coward.''
\item[(f)] Platon: ``Diogenes is a coward, provided Euklid is from Sparta.''
\item[(g)] Platon: ``If Diogenes is from Athens, then Euklid is a coward.''
\item[(h)] Diogenes: ``If Platon is from Athens, then Euklid is a moron.''
Can you reconstruct where each of them came from?
Prove that Plato is from Sparta using \emph{resolution}.
\item Explain very briefly what \emph{Skolemisation} is?
\item Let the function \textit{myst} for all \textit{R} of type $\alpha \to \alpha \to \textit{bool}$ be given by
\textit{myst}(\textit{R}) = \lambda a\, b.\ \forall Q. \left(
\forall x.\ Q\, x\, x\ & \wedge \\
\forall x\,y.\ R\,x\,y\ \Longrightarrow\ Q\, x\, y\ & \wedge \\
\forall x\,y\,z.\ (Q\,x\,y\ \wedge\ Q\,y\,z)\ \Longrightarrow\ Q\,x\,z
\right) \Longrightarrow Q\,a\,b
Which concept does the function \textit{myst} define? If you don't see it, describe as much
as possible. Which type does it have? What is represented by this type? Explain the formula in English using as high level concepts as possible.
Please write down anything else that you believe is relevant for
selecting and prioritising topics of the Interactive Theorem Proving
course. Do you have any comments or suggestions? Why are you
attending the course? Do you have a concrete application in mind?
Have you used interactive theorem provers before? Which ones? Do you
have experience with other formal method tools like model checkers,
SAT solvers, SMT solvers, first order provers \ldots? Which ones?
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