Thomas Tuerk 3c35cc25c3 initial version
cleaned-up the sources of the ITP course
- remove internal notes
- remove exercise solutions
- remove KTH logo
- add Creative Commons license
2019-11-11 13:42:59 +01:00

160 lines
4.4 KiB

\part{Organisational Matters}
\frametitle{Aims of this Course}
\item introduction to interactive theorem proving (ITP)
\item being able to evaluate whether a problem can benefit from ITP
\item hands-on experience with HOL
\item learn how to build a formal model
\item learn how to express and prove important properties of such a model
\item learn about basic conformance testing
\item use a theorem prover on a small project
\begin{block}{Required Prerequisites}
\item some experience with functional programming
\item knowing Standard ML syntax
\item basic knowledge about logic (\eg First Order Logic)
\item Interactive Theorem Proving Course takes place in Period 4 of the academic year 2016/2017
\item always in room 4523 or 4532
\item each week\\\medskip\qquad
Mondays & 10:15 - 11:45 & lecture \\
Wednesdays & 10:00 - 12:00 & practical session \\
Fridays & 13:00 - 15:00 & practical session
\item no lecture on Monday, 1st of May, instead on Wednesday, 3rd May
\item last lecture: 12th of June
\item last practical session: 21st of June
\item 9 lectures, 17 practical sessions
\item after each lecture an exercise sheet is handed out
\item work on these exercises alone, except if stated otherwise explicitly
\item exercise sheet contains due date
\item usually 10 days time to work on it
\item hand in during practical sessions
\item lecture Monday $\longrightarrow$ hand in at latest in next week's Friday session
\item main purpose: understanding ITP and learn how to use HOL
\item no detailed grading, just pass/fail
\item retries possible till pass
\item if stuck, ask me or one another
\item practical sessions intend to provide this opportunity
\frametitle{Practical Sessions}
\item very informal
\item main purpose: work on exercises
\item I have a look and provide feedback
\item you can ask questions
\item I might sometimes explain things not covered in the lectures
\item I might provide some concrete tips and tricks
\item you can also discuss with each other
\item attendance not required, but highly recommended
\item exception: session on 21st April
\item only requirement: turn up long enough to hand in exercises
\item \alert{you need to bring your own computer}
\frametitle{Handing-in Exercises}
\item exercises are intended to be handed-in during practical sessions
\item attend at least one practical session each week
\item leave reasonable time to discuss exercises
\item don't try to hand your solution in Friday 14:55
\item retries possible, but reasonable attempt before deadline required
\item handing-in outside practical sessions
\item only if you have a good reason
\item decided on a case-by-case basis
\item electronic hand-ins
\item only to get detailed feedback
\item does not replace personal hand-in
\item exceptions on a case-by-case basis if there is a good reason
\item I recommend using a KTH GitHub repo
\frametitle{Passing the ITP Course}
\item there is only a pass/fail mark
\item to pass you need to
\item attend at least 7 of the 9 lectures
\item pass 8 of the 9 exercises
\item we have the advantage of being a small group
\item therefore we are flexible
\item so please ask questions, even during lectures
\item there are many shy people, therefore
\item anonymous checklist after each lecture
\item anonymous background questionnaire in first practical session
\item further information is posted on \emph{Interactive Theorem Proving Course} group on Group Web
\item contact me (Thomas Tuerk) directly, \eg via email \texttt{}
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