Thomas Tuerk 3c35cc25c3 initial version
cleaned-up the sources of the ITP course
- remove internal notes
- remove exercise solutions
- remove KTH logo
- add Creative Commons license
2019-11-11 13:42:59 +01:00

227 lines
7.4 KiB

\part{Overview of HOL~4}
\frametitle{Overview of HOL 4}
\item in this course we discussed the basics of HOL 4
\item you were encouraged to learn more on your own in exercises
\item there is a lot more to learn even after the end of the course
\item many more libraries
\item proof tools
\item existing formalisations
\item ...
\item to really use HOL well, you should continue learning
\item to help getting started, a short overview is presented here
\frametitle{HOL Bare Source Directories}
The following source directories are the very basis of HOL. They
are required to build \hol{hol.bare}.
\item \hol{src/portableML} -- common stuff for PolyML and MoscowML
\item \hol{src/prekernel}
\item \hol{src/0} -- Standard Kernel
\item \hol{src/logging-kernel} -- Logging Kernel
\item \hol{src/experimental-kernel} -- Experimental Kernel
\item \hol{src/postkernel}
\item \hol{src/opentheory}
\item \hol{src/parse}
\item \hol{src/bool}
\item \hol{src/1}
\item \hol{src/proofman}
\frametitle{HOL Basic Directories I}
On top of \texttt{hol.bare}, there are many basic theories and tools. These
are all required for building the main \texttt{hol} executable.
\item \hol{src/compute} -- fast ground term rewriting
\item \hol{src/HolSat} -- SAT solver interfaces
\item \hol{src/taut} -- propositional proofs using \texttt{HolSat}
\item \hol{src/marker} -- marking terms
\item \hol{src/q} -- parsing support
\item \hol{src/combin} -- combinators
\item \hol{src/lite} -- some simple lib with various stuff
\item \hol{src/refute} -- refutation prover, normal forms
\item \hol{src/metis} -- first order resolution prover
\item \hol{src/meson} -- first order model elimination prover
\frametitle{HOL Basic Directories II}
\item \hol{src/simp} -- simplifier
\item \hol{src/holyhammer} -- tool for finding Metis proofs
\item \hol{src/tactictoe} -- machine learning tool for finding proofs
\item \hol{src/IndDef} -- (co)inductive relation definitions
\item \hol{src/basicProof} -- library containing proof tools
\item \hol{src/relation} -- relations and order theory
\item \hol{src/one} -- unit type theory
\item \hol{src/pair} -- tuples
\item \hol{src/sum} -- sum types
\item \hol{src/tfl} -- defining terminating functions
\item \hol{src/option} -- option types
\frametitle{HOL Basic Directories III}
\item \hol{src/num} -- numbers and arithmetic
\item \hol{src/pred\_set} -- predicate sets
\item \hol{src/datatype} -- Datatype package
\item \hol{src/list} -- list theories
\item \hol{src/monad} -- monads
\item \hol{src/quantHeuristics} -- instantiating quantifiers
\item \hol{src/unwind} -- lib for unwinding structural hardware definitions
\item \hol{src/pattern\_matches} -- pattern matches alternative
\item \hol{src/bossLib} -- main HOL lib loaded at start
\hol{bossLib} is one central library. It loads all basic theories and libraries and
provides convenient wrappers for the most common tools.
\frametitle{HOL More Theories I}
Besides the basic libraries and theories that are required and loaded by \ml{hol}, there
are many more developements in HOL's source directory.
\item \hol{src/sort} -- sorting lists
\item \hol{src/string} -- strings
\item \hol{src/TeX} -- exporting LaTeX code
\item \hol{src/res\_quan} -- restricted quantifiers
\item \hol{src/quotient} -- quotient type package
\item \hol{src/finite\_map} -- finite map theory
\item \hol{src/bag} -- bags \aka multisets
\item \hol{src/n-bit} -- machine words
\frametitle{HOL More Theories II}
\item \hol{src/ring} -- reasoning about rings
\item \hol{src/integer} -- integers
\item \hol{src/llists} -- lazy lists
\item \hol{src/path} -- finite and infinite paths through a transition system
\item \hol{src/patricia} -- efficient finite map implementations using trees
\item \hol{src/emit} -- emitting SML and OCaml code
\item \hol{src/search} -- traversal of graphs that may contain cycles
\frametitle{HOL More Theories III}
\item \hol{src/rational} -- rational numbers
\item \hol{src/real} -- real numbers
\item \hol{src/complex} -- comples numbers
\item \hol{src/HolQbf} -- quantified boolean formulas
\item \hol{src/HolSmt} -- support for external SMT solvers
\item \hol{src/float} -- IEEE floating point numbers
\item \hol{src/floating-point} -- new version of IEEE floating point numbers
\item \hol{src/probability} -- some propability theory
\item \hol{src/temporal} -- shallow embedding of temporal logic
\item \ldots
\frametitle{HOL Selected Examples I}
The directory examples hosts many theories and libraries as well. There is not
always a clear distinction between an example and a development in \ml{src}. However,
in general examples are more specialised and often larger. They are not required to
follow HOL's coding style as much as developments in \ml{src}.
\item \hol{examples/balanced\_bst} -- finite maps via balanced trees
\item \hol{examples/unification} -- (nominal) unification
\item \hol{examples/Crypto} -- various block ciphers
\item \hol{examples/elliptic} -- elliptic curve cryptography
\item \hol{examples/formal-languages} -- regular and context free formal languages
\item \hol{examples/computability} -- basic computability theory
\frametitle{HOL Selected Examples II}
\item \hol{examples/set-theory} -- axiomatic formalisation of set theory
\item \hol{examples/lambda} -- lambda calculus
\item \hol{examples/acl2} -- connection to ACL2 prover
\item \hol{examples/theorem-prover} -- soundness proof of Milawa prover
\item \hol{examples/PSL} -- formalisation of PSL
\item \hol{examples/HolBdd} -- Binary Decision Diagrams
\item \hol{examples/HolCheck} -- basic model checker
\item \hol{examples/temporal\_deep} -- deep embedding of temporal logics and automata
\frametitle{HOL Selected Examples III}
\item \hol{examples/pgcl} formalisation of pGCL (the Probabilistic Guarded Command Language)
\item \hol{examples/dev} -- some hardware compilation
\item \hol{examples/STE} -- symbolic trajectory evalutation
\item \hol{examples/separationLogic} -- formalisation of separation logic
\item \hol{examples/ARM} -- formalisation of ARM architecture
\item \hol{examples/l3-machine-code} -- l3 language
\item \hol{examples/machine-code} -- compilers and decompilers to machine-code
\item \ldots
\frametitle{Concluding Remarks}
\item some useful tools are a bit hidden in the HOL sources
\item moreover there are developments outside the main HOL 4 sources
\item CakeML \emph{\url{}}
\item keep in touch with community to continue learning about HOL 4
\item mailing-list \ml{hol-info}
\item GitHub \emph{\url{}}
\item \emph{\url{}}
\item if you continue using HOL, please consider sharing your work with the community
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