Thomas Tuerk 3c35cc25c3 initial version
cleaned-up the sources of the ITP course
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2019-11-11 13:42:59 +01:00

676 lines
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\part{Basic Tactics}
\frametitle{Syntax of Tactics in HOL}
\item originally tactics were written all in capital letters with underscores\\
Example: \hol{ALL\_TAC}
\item since 2010 more and more tactics have overloaded lower-case syntax\\
Example: \hol{all\_tac}
\item sometimes, the lower-case version is shortened\\
Example: \hol{REPEAT}, \hol{rpt}
\item sometimes, there is special syntax\\
Example: \hol{THEN}, \hol{\textbsl{}\textbsl{}}, \hol{>>}
\item which one to use is mostly a matter of personal taste
\item all-capital names are hard to read and type
\item however, not for all tactics there are lower-case versions
\item mixed lower- and upper-case tactics are even harder to read
\item often shortened lower-case name is not \textit{speaking}
\bottomstatement{In the lecture we will use mostly the old-style names.}
\section{Basic Tactics}
\frametitle{Some Basic Tactics}
\hol{GEN\_TAC} & remove outermost all-quantifier \\
\hol{DISCH\_TAC} & move antecedent of goal into assumptions \\
\hol{CONJ\_TAC} & splits conjunctive goal \\
\hol{STRIP\_TAC} & splits on outermost connective (combination\\
& \quad of \hol{GEN\_TAC}, \hol{CONJ\_TAC}, \hol{DISCH\_TAC}, \ldots) \\
\hol{DISJ1\_TAC} & selects left disjunct \\
\hol{DISJ2\_TAC} & selects right disjunct \\
\hol{EQ\_TAC} & reduce Boolean equality to implications \\
\hol{ASSUME\_TAC}\ thm & add theorem to list of assumptions \\
\hol{EXISTS\_TAC} term & provide witness for existential goal \\
\item tacticals are SML functions that combine tactics to form new tactics
\item common workflow
\item develop large tactic interactively
\item using \hol{goalStack} and editor support to execute tactics one by one
\item combine tactics manually with tacticals to create larger tactics
\item finally end up with one large tactic that solves your goal
\item use \hol{prove} or \hol{store\_thm} instead of \hol{goalStack}
\item make sure to \alert{clearly mark proof structure} by \eg
\item use indentation
\item use parentheses
\item use appropriate connectives
\item \ldots
\item goalStack commands like \hol{e} or \hol{g} should not appear in your final proof
\frametitle{Some Basic Tacticals}
tac1 \hol{>>} tac2 & \hol{THEN}, \hol{\textbsl{}\textbsl{}} & applies tactics in sequence \\
tac \hol{>|} tacL & \hol{THENL} & applies list of tactics to subgoals \\
tac1 \hol{>-} tac2 & \hol{THEN1} & applies tac2 to the first subgoal of tac1 \\
\hol{REPEAT} tac & \hol{rpt} & repeats tac until it fails \\
\hol{NTAC} n tac & & apply tac n times \\
\hol{REVERSE} tac & \hol{reverse} & reverses the order of subgoals \\
tac1 \hol{ORELSE} tac2 & & applies tac1 only if tac2 fails \\
\hol{TRY} tac & & do nothing if tac fails \\
\hol{ALL\_TAC} & \hol{all\_tac} & do nothing \\
\hol{NO\_TAC} & & fail
\frametitle{Basic Rewrite Tactics}
\item (equational) rewriting is at the core of HOL's automation
\item we will discuss it in detail later
\item details complex, but basic usage is straightforward
\item given a theorem \hol{rewr\_thm} of form \hol{|- P\ x = Q\ x} and a term \hol{t}
\item rewriting \hol{t} with \hol{rewr\_thm} means
\item replacing each occurrence of a term \hol{P c} for some \hol{c} with \hol{Q c} in \hol{t}
\item \alert{warning:} rewriting may loop\\Example: rewriting with theorem \hol{|- X <=> (X \holAnd{} T)}
\hol{REWRITE\_TAC} thms & rewrite goal using equations found\\
& in given list of theorems \\
\hol{ASM\_REWRITE\_TAC} thms & in addition use assumptions \\
\hol{ONCE\_REWRITE\_TAC} thms & rewrite once in goal using equations\\
\hol{ONCE\_ASM\_REWRITE\_TAC} thms & rewrite once using assumptions
\frametitle{Case-Split and Induction Tactics}
\hol{Induct\_on} `term` & induct on \texttt{term} \\
\hol{Induct} & induct on all-quantifier \\
\hol{Cases\_on} `term` & case-split on \texttt{term} \\
\hol{Cases} & case-split on all-quantifier \\
\hol{MATCH\_MP\_TAC} thm & apply rule \\
\hol{IRULE\_TAC} thm & generalised apply rule
\frametitle{Assumption Tactics}
\hol{POP\_ASSUM} thm-tac & use and remove first assumption \\
& \-\quad common usage \hol{POP\_ASSUM MP\_TAC} \\[1em]
\hol{PAT\_ASSUM} term thm-tac& use (and remove) first \\
\-\quad also \hol{PAT\_X\_ASSUM} term thm-tac& \quad assumption matching pattern \\[1em]
\hol{WEAKEN\_TAC} term-pred & removes first assumption \\
& \quad{}satisfying predicate
\frametitle{Decision Procedure Tactics}
\item decision procedures try to solve the current goal completely
\item they either succeed or fail
\item no partial progress
\item decision procedures vital for automation
\hol{TAUT\_TAC} & propositional logic tautology checker \\
\hol{DECIDE\_TAC} & linear arithmetic for \texttt{num} \\
\hol{METIS\_TAC} thms & first order prover \\
\hol{numLib.ARITH\_TAC} & Presburger arithmetic \\
\hol{intLib.ARITH\_TAC} & uses Omega test
\frametitle{Subgoal Tactics}
\item it is vital to structure your proofs well
\item improved maintainability
\item improved readability
\item improved reusability
\item saves time in medium-run
\item therefore, use many small lemmata
\item also, use many explicit subgoals
`term-frag` \hol{by} tac & show term with tac and\\
& add it to assumptions \\
`term-frag` \hol{suffices\_by} tac & show it suffices to prove term
\frametitle{Term Fragments / Term Quotations}
\item notice that \hol{by} and \hol{suffices\_by} take \emph{term fragments}
\item term fragments are also called \emph{term quotations}
\item they represent (partially) unparsed terms
\item parsing takes place during execution of tactic in context of goal
\item this helps to avoid type annotations
\item however, this means syntax errors show late as well
\item the library \emph{Q} defines many tactics using term fragments
\frametitle{Importance of Exercises}
\item here many tactics are presented in a very short amount of time
\item there are many, many more important tactics out there
\item few people can learn a programming language just by reading manuals
\item similar few people can learn HOL just by reading and listening
\item you should write your own proofs and play around with these tactics
\item solving the exercises is highly recommended\\(and actually required if you want credits for this course)
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 1}
\item we want to prove \hol{!l.\ LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l}
\item first step: set up goal on \hol{goalStack}
\item at same time start writing proof script
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
\item run \texttt{g ``!l.\ LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``}
\item this is done by hol-mode
\item move cursor inside term and press \texttt{M-h g}\\
(menu-entry \texttt{HOL - Goalstack - New goal})
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 2}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
!l. LENGTH (l ++ l) = 2 * LENGTH l
\item the outermost connective is an all-quantifier
\item let's get rid of it via \hol{GEN\_TAC}
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (l ++ l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
\item run \texttt{e GEN\_TAC}
\item this is done by hol-mode
\item mark line with \texttt{GEN\_TAC} and press \texttt{M-h e}\\
(menu-entry \texttt{HOL - Goalstack - Apply tactic})
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 3}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
LENGTH (l ++ l) = 2 * LENGTH l
\item \hol{LENGTH} of \hol{APPEND} can be simplified
\item let's search an appropriate lemma with \ml{DB.match}
\item run \ml{DB.print\_match [] ``LENGTH (\_ ++ \_)``}
\item this is done via hol-mode
\item press \texttt{M-h m} and enter term pattern\\
(menu-entry \texttt{HOL - Misc - DB match})
\item this finds the theorem \ml{listTheory.LENGTH\_APPEND}\\
\hol{|- !l1 l2. LENGTH (l1 ++ l2) = LENGTH l1 + LENGTH l2}
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 4}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
LENGTH (l ++ l) = 2 * LENGTH l
\item let's rewrite with found theorem \ml{listTheory.LENGTH\_APPEND}
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
\item connect the new tactic with tactical \hol{>>} (\hol{THEN})
\item use hol-mode to expand the new tactic
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 5}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
\item let's search a theorem for simplifying \hol{2 * LENGTH l}
\item prepare for extending the previous rewrite tactic
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
\item \hol{DB.match} finds theorem \hol{arithmeticTheory.TIMES2}
\item press \texttt{M-h b} and undo last tactic expansion\\
(menu-entry \texttt{HOL - Goalstack - Back up})
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 6}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
LENGTH (l ++ l) = 2 * LENGTH l
\item extend the previous rewrite tactic
\item finish proof
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
REWRITE_TAC[listTheory.LENGTH\_APPEND, arithmeticTheory.TIMES2]);
\item add \hol{TIMES2} to the list of theorems used by rewrite tactic
\item use hol-mode to expand the extended rewrite tactic
\item goal is solved, so let's add closing parenthesis and semicolon
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example I - Slide 7}
\item we have a finished tactic proving our goal
\item notice that \hol{GEN\_TAC} is not needed
\item let's polish the proof script
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
REWRITE_TAC[listTheory.LENGTH\_APPEND, arithmeticTheory.TIMES2]);
\begin{block}{Polished Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
REWRITE_TAC[listTheory.LENGTH\_APPEND, arithmeticTheory.TIMES2]);
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 1}
\item let's prove something slightly more complicated
\item drop old goal by pressing \texttt{M-h d}\\
(menu-entry \texttt{HOL - Goalstack - Drop goal})
\item set up goal on \hol{goalStack} (\texttt{M-h g})
\item at same time start writing proof script
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``!x1 x2 x3 l1 l2 l3.
(MEM x1 l1 \holAnd{} MEM x2 l2 \holAnd{} MEM x3 l3) \holAnd{}
((x1 <= x2) \holAnd{} (x2 <= x3) \holAnd{} x3 <= SUC x1) ==>
~(ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3))``,
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 2}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
!x1 x2 x3 l1 l2 l3.
(MEM x1 l1 \holAnd{} MEM x2 l2 \holAnd{} MEM x3 l3) \holAnd{}
x1 <= x2 \holAnd{} x2 <= x3 \holAnd{} x3 <= SUC x1 ==>
~ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
\item let's strip the goal
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``!x1 x2 x3 l1 l2 l3.
(MEM x1 l1 \holAnd{} MEM x2 l2 \holAnd{} MEM x3 l3) \holAnd{}
((x1 <= x2) \holAnd{} (x2 <= x3) \holAnd{} x3 <= SUC x1) ==>
~(ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3))``,
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 2}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
!x1 x2 x3 l1 l2 l3.
(MEM x1 l1 \holAnd{} MEM x2 l2 \holAnd{} MEM x3 l3) \holAnd{}
x1 <= x2 \holAnd{} x2 <= x3 \holAnd{} x3 <= SUC x1 ==>
~ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
\item let's strip the goal
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val LENGTH_APPEND_SAME = prove (
``!l. LENGTH (APPEND l l) = 2 * LENGTH l``,
\item add \hol{REPEAT STRIP\_TAC} to proof script
\item expand this tactic using hol-mode
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 3}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
0. MEM x1 l1 4. x2 <= x3
1. MEM x2 l2 5. x3 <= SUC x1
2. MEM x3 l3 6. ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
3. x1 <= x2
\item oops, we did too much, we would like to keep \texttt{ALL\_DISTINCT} in goal
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``...``,
\item undo \hol{REPEAT STRIP\_TAC} (\texttt{M-h b})
\item expand more fine-tuned strip tactic
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 4}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
~ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3)
0. MEM x1 l1 3. x1 <= x2
1. MEM x2 l2 4. x2 <= x3
2. MEM x3 l3 5. x3 <= SUC x1
\item now let's simplify \hol{ALL\_DISTINCT}
\item search suitable theorems with \hol{DB.match}
\item use them with rewrite tactic
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``...``,
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 5}
\begin{block}{Current Goal}
~((ALL_DISTINCT l1 \holAnd{} ALL_DISTINCT l2 \holAnd{} !e. MEM e l1 ==> ~MEM e l2) \holAnd{}
ALL_DISTINCT l3 \holAnd{} !e. MEM e l1 \holOr{} MEM e l2 ==> ~MEM e l3)
0. MEM x1 l1 3. x1 <= x2
1. MEM x2 l2 4. x2 <= x3
2. MEM x3 l3 5. x3 <= SUC x1
\item from assumptions 3, 4 and 5 we know \hol{x2 = x1 \holOr{} x2 = x3}
\item let's deduce this fact by \hol{DECIDE\_TAC}
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``...``,
`(x2 = x1) \holOr{} (x2 = x3)` by DECIDE_TAC
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 6}
\begin{block}{Current Goals --- 2 subgoals, one for each disjunct}
~((ALL_DISTINCT l1 \holAnd{} ALL_DISTINCT l2 \holAnd{} !e. MEM e l1 ==> ~MEM e l2) \holAnd{}
ALL_DISTINCT l3 \holAnd{} !e. MEM e l1 \holOr{} MEM e l2 ==> ~MEM e l3)
0. MEM x1 l1 4. x2 <= x3
1. MEM x2 l2 5. x3 <= SUC x1
2. MEM x3 l3 6a. x2 = x1
3. x1 <= x2 6b. x2 = x3
\item both goals are easily solved by first-order reasoning
\item let's use \hol{METIS\_TAC[]} for both subgoals
\begin{block}{Proof Script}
val NOT_ALL_DISTINCT_LEMMA = prove (``...``,
`(x2 = x1) \holOr{} (x2 = x3)` by DECIDE_TAC >> (
\frametitle{Tactical Proof - Example II - Slide 7}
\begin{block}{Finished Proof Script}
``!x1 x2 x3 l1 l2 l3.
(MEM x1 l1 \holAnd{} MEM x2 l2 \holAnd{} MEM x3 l3) \holAnd{}
((x1 <= x2) \holAnd{} (x2 <= x3) \holAnd{} x3 <= SUC x1) ==>
~(ALL_DISTINCT (l1 ++ l2 ++ l3))``,
`(x2 = x1) \holOr{} (x2 = x3)` by DECIDE_TAC >> (
\item notice that proof structure is explicit
\item parentheses and indentation used to mark new subgoals
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